Nikki Jones' talk on Climate Change

The 25th of September saw the Wordsworth Centre host one of its most eye opening events. Nikki Jones of Bristol Energy had expertly prepared a very detailed presentation, which began with an informative overview of the current situation of pollutant levels the world is enduring, alongside statistical analysis on the increases global warming over the past decades.

The event was sold out on Eventbrite.

The event was sold out on Eventbrite.

For everybody who came it began as a harrowing shock to comprehend the amount of damage the Earth has gone through over such a short amount of its life. Shortly after Nikki’s introduction she then began to discuss what the average person could do in effort of combating the bad habits that we get into that can easily lead to damaging our environment.

Jackson (top right) also discussed the effect that badly insulated homes can have on wasted energy for heating.

Jackson (top right) also discussed the effect that badly insulated homes can have on wasted energy for heating.

The talk from Nikki was followed by a small group discussion and an interactive workshop on the top 5 things the average citizen could do to make a difference. This included ideas such as getting into the habit of buying goods second hand, turning appliances off standby, being more conscious of the type of packaging being used for products being brought off the shelf, and taking sustainable alternative forms of transport to driving.

Below is a list of other low cost/little ideas to living a more sustainable lifestyle:

  • Insulation and warmth in the home: Draught proofing, clean out radiators, using hot water bottles

  • Fit shower spray - Uses less hot water

  • Buying seasonal and local food - reduces food miles and supports local produce

  • Stay away from hairdryers

  • Use natural cleaning products for the home.


Community led housing in Bristol - meet the pioneers this evening


While the kids made Homes.... the adults drank tea.